Free workout, Week 10: Ankle resilience

Free workout, Week 10: Ankle resilience


Ex.1 Toe mobility up and back

Ex.2 ankle circles

Ex.3 calf raises

Ex.4 SL calf raises

Ex.5 SL stance hip circles 180°

Ex.6 RDL to knee drive

Ex.7 side lunges to knee drive

Ex.8 SL stance full hip circle 360°

Sets: 1


  1. 10-10
  2. 4 reps each direction, so 8 each leg
  3. 12x
  4. 8-8
  5. 8-8
  6. 8-8
  7. 8-8
  8. 8-8

Notes: Perform all exercises back to back, this is just 1 set.




Ex.1 3D ankle blaster

Sets : 1

Reps : 60 each leg

Notes :

  • Lay on side, toes pointing that direction, counterclock wise for 10, range of motion as big as possible, if that’s not possible, you are using too much weight
  • 10 clock wise
  • Without resting, sit straight, 10 counterclock wise 10, clock wise 10
  • Sit on the other side, 10 counterclock wise, 10 clock wise
  • 60 total reps per leg
  • Start bodyweight if needed


Ex.2 Lower leg reciprocal inhibition, 10 reps each leg

Sets: 2

Reps: 10 each leg


  • Sit down on a box or bench
  • Ankle is hanging off
  • Raise the weight up
  • This will put a strong contraction on the tibia, and relax the antagonist (calves)
  • From there lean forward with the opposite hand and get a good stretch


Ex.3 Superset

Sets : 3

Reps :

Notes: On the first exercise, when I come back to the start position, you can’t really see it because of the foam roller, but I perform a calf raise


Ex.4 Slantboard ankle out ISO

Sets: 2

Reps: 1 min each leg

Notes: Without holding your balance, try to maintain this position for 1 min. Adjust the angle to your current range of motionIf you don’t have a slantboard, just place a plate flat on the ground, and another one on the edge, this will create a similar angle as the slantboard


Ex.5 Slantboard ankle in ISO

Sets: 2

Reps: 1 min each leg

Notes: Idem as previous exercise, but this time inverted.


Ex.6 Soleus ISO

Sets: 1

Reps: 120 sec each leg

Notes: If you can’t reach 120 sec the first time, no worries. Start bodyweight and add weight when it gets too easy

The way you are going to do this exercise is really simple. Perform this next to a wall or squat rack so you can hold your balance.

From here push your knee above your toes, from that position slightly elevate the heel, and maintain that position.

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