Free workout, Week 11: Full body strength

Free workout, Week 11: Full body strength

Cluster sets: Cluster sets is a high-intensity training method where you insert short rest periods in between your reps so that you can perform more total reps with a relatively heavy weight. Your cluster set might look like this, perform 1 rep, rest for 20 sec, perform 2nd rep, rest for 20 sec, do this until you finished the prescribed amount of reps. You will see that your cluster sets might need some warm up sets. In this warm up sets do not use this cluster method, your warm up sets could look like this.

  • 2-3 warm up sets
  • Set 1: 55% 1 RM for 5 reps
  • Set 2 & 3: 70-75% 1RM for 3 reps
  • Start with your 3 cluster sets at 87,5% 1RM (starting point)


Drop sets: Drop sets are an efficient technique to increase muscle hypertrophy, muscle endurance, and achieve muscle measurement. As you can see in exercise 4, you will perform 8-10 reps at 70%, after that decrease the weight (20%) and get as many quality reps as possible. Again, as you can see, here you have 1-2 warm up sets, where you just warm up without using the drop set method. So simply perform the same warm up method as before.


Micro sets: As you can see in exercise 3, I prescribed 6-8 initial reps, then perform as many micro-sets of 3 reps as possible with 5 deep breaths in between. This means, that after your 6-8 reps, you will have to reach 3 quality reps, perform 5 deep breaths as rest period, until you see that you can’t reach anymore 3 quality reps.




Ex.1 Weighted hanging

3 reps until failure with x amount of rest in between sets  

Notes: Rest in between reps until you feel you’re ready to do it again


Ex.2 Alternating TKE’s

Sets: 1

Reps: 2-3 min


Ex.3 Loaded capsule cars

2 sets of 8 reps each arm. 1-2 min rest in between sets




Ex.1 Heels elevated zercher squat

Sets: 2 work sets (2-3 gradually heavier warm-up sets of 3-5 reps, not as clusters)

Reps: 5-6 cluster reps

Rest between reps: 20 seconds

Load: 87.5% (starting point)

Rest between sets: 4 minutes


Ex.2 Close grip floor press

Sets: 2 work sets (2-3 gradually heavier warm-up sets of 3-5 reps, not as clusters)

Reps: 5-6 cluster reps

Rest between reps: 20 seconds

Load: 87.5% (starting point)

Rest between sets: 4 minutes


Ex.3 Hamstring leg curl

Sets: 1-2 work sets (1-2 warm-ups)

Reps: 6-8 initial reps, then perform as many micro-sets of 3 reps as possible with 5 deep breaths in between

Load: Around 70-75%

Rest between sets: 3 minutes


Ex.4 Superset


Sets: 1-2 work sets (1-2 warm-ups, not as drop sets)

Reps: 8-10, then drop by 20% and get as many quality reps as possible

Load: Around 70% then 50%

Rest between sets: 3 minutes

Notes: First finish the dropset on the tricep pushdown, and move into the bicep curls with 15-30 sec rest interval in between tricep pushdown & bicep curls. 

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