Sets: 2 (45 sec - 1 min rest in between the sets)
Reps: 12 reps each leg
- Stand with the band around the back of your operative knee
- Attach the band to a stable item or have a partner hold the band securely.
- Begin with your knee slightly bent. Keep your heel and foot firmly on the floor.
- Keep your trunk upright.
- Straighten the
- knee using the quadriceps muscle.
- Hold for six seconds.
- Slowly return to the starting position
Exercise 2. Prone hamstring curl w/tibial rotation
Sets: 2 (45 sec - 1 min rest in between the sets
Reps: 8 each leg
- Rotate tibia
- extend leg
- come back to starting position
- rotate tibia & repeat
Exercise 3. Patellar mobilization
Sets: 1
Reps: 20 slides each side
- Make sure your operative knee is straight and relaxed.
- Use your thumb and index finger to find the edges of your kneecap.
- Place your thumb on one side on your kneecap and index finger on the other side.
- Move your kneecap firmly side to side.
- Make every effort to not irritate the skin or any incisions.
- 20 times side to side
Sets: 2 (45 sec - 1 min rest in between the sets)
Reps: 8 each leg
- Start in a seated position.
- Rotate tibia.
- Extend leg, curl, rotate other direction
- And repeat
Exercise 1. SL balance w/eyes closed
Sets: 2 (45 sec - 1 min rest in between the sets)
Reps: 30 sec each leg
Notes: a single leg stance, with your eyes closed.
Sets: 3 (1-2 min rest in between the sets)
Reps: 8-10 each leg
Notes: The step finish in this movement is to encourage hip lock, where the free hip is raised and slightly forward and the pelvis rotated slightly anteriorly
Exercise 3. Lateral med ball toss
Sets: 2 (1-2 min rest in between the sets)
Reps: 10 each leg
Notes: Do not increase the weight of the med ball, if you want to make it more challenging, simply add some space in between you and the wall.
Exercise 4. Loaded A switch w/OH press
Sets: 3 (1-2 min rest in between the sets)
Reps: 8 each leg
Notes: Switch and press overhead. Weight doesn’t have to be a lot, just focus on intensity and reaching long
Sets: 3 (1-2 min rest in between the sets)
Reps: 30 sec
Notes: Zercher holds will absolutely kill your midsection. I've never felt intra-abdominal pressure to the degree that I feel on this exercise. You must tense your abs super hard. Imagine you're about to get punched in the stomach. Squeeze your glutes as hard as humanly possible. If you don't, your lower back will take too much of the load. Don't lean back even one bit. Doing so not only makes the exercise worthless, it also makes it dangerous.