Free Workout, Week 9: Full body mobility

Free Workout, Week 9: Full body mobility




•  Feet

•  Calves

•  Shin

•  Hamstrings

•  Quads

•   Adductors

•  Glutes


Notes: In your body, everything is bound together, from every cell to every muscle to every bone to every organ to every nerve, by something called fascia. Since everything within you is connected to everything else, that means that your lower back pain could be having issues because of a restriction in your hip flexors or glutes, or even your feet. This continuity has a huge impact on your experience of pain and your ability to perform at your best. Invest in a lacrosse ball, and start implementing a myofascial daily routine!


if you feel like you would want to massage the shoulders, chest, neck, ... You can, as I said earlier, every person is different. There is not an amount of time or reps to perform this circuit. Look form 25 sec - 1 min each part, for each leg. Do this at least 1 a day or every 2 days, and your body will thank you


PART 2 – Hanging w/breathing emphasis


Notes: 3x max time hold. If needed, start with your feet slightly on a box or bench to be assisted and progress over time. Long term goal should be +1 min hang. Go a little bit wider then shoulder width apart. Inhale through the nose, and full exhale through the mouth while hanging. The key during the entire set, is the full exhale




Ex.1 Slantbord zercher jefferson curls

Sets: 3

Reps: 8

Notes: Roll down towards the floor. Lower your chin to your chest. Slowly start bending down as you round and flex your spine to roll one vertebra down at a time.


Ex.2 Seated Goodmorning

Sets: 3 sets

Reps: 8-10 reps.

Notes: You can start with dumbbells and progress over time to a barbell. Slowly hinge forward at your hips while keeping your back straight. Lower your torso toward the ground, maintaining a controlled movement. Feel the stretch in your hamstrings and a slight tension in your lower back.

Lower your torso until you feel a comfortable stretch in your hamstrings. Avoid rounding your back; keep it straight throughout the movement.

Engage your hamstrings, glutes, and lower back muscles to raise your torso back to the upright position.


Ex.3 Quadruped hip shifts

Sets: 3 sets

Reps: 5 shifts each leg

Notes: For this you want to set up in a quadruped position, meaning that your knees are underneath your hips and your hands are underneath. Your shoulders and also with your heels are being pressed up against this wall. You want to take this roller or a small ball and press it in between your knees just above the level of your knees, so notice how it's in between his legs, but just a little higher off of the ground.


Breathing sequence:

Exhale is the shift

Inhale is the hold


Ex.4 90/90 Hip transitions
Sets: 2 sets

Reps: 8 each side



You know this exercise, to intensify:

· Start in a 90/90 position

· Lift the rear leg as high as possible

· While keeping the front leg on the ground

· Once you reached your full range of motion with the rear leg, start rotating to the other side

· Front leg keeps pushing down

· Rear leg keeps pushing up

· Repeat


Ex.5 Flexion/abs/adduction/neck sit ups

Sets: 3 sets

Reps: 10-12 reps.


· Agressively squeeze a foam roller

· Pinch grip hold a plate with your neck

· Block your feet under something stable/heavy


Ex.6 Superset

Sets: 2


· Garhammer raises, 8 reps

· Sidelying arm bar press, 10-12 reps each side

·  Side bend, 8 each side


Notes: For the garhammer raises, 3-4 sec eccentric portion


For the sidelying arm bar press:


· Slightly tuck your pelvis

· Pull elbow into lats

· Reach arm as long as possible

· Keep the arm stacked on top of the thorax

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