Free workout, Week 4: Mobility

Free workout, Week 4: Mobility

Ex.1 90/90 hip transitions

Sets: 2

Reps: 16 (8 each side)


  • Very good exercise, often badly executed. Start in a 90/90 position
  • Start by lifting the rear knee as high as you can
  • Once you reached your limit, that’s when you start rotation to the other side
  • Your goal here, is to keep both knees, as far as possible from each other.
  • Rotate to the other side, repeat


Ex.2 90/90 knee roll

Sets: 2

Reps: 20 (10 each side)

Notes: For this exercise you are going to lay down on your back with your feet up against the wall or on a bench. If you do it on a bench, dig your heels down into the bench. 90° at your hips and knees. Use a foam roller or a small ball and place it right under your knees. Think about pushing your lower back against the ground, fully inhale through the nose, fully exhale through the mouth. By doing this your hips will come just off the ground. Once you are in that position, you are going to think about rolling side to side. So, bring 1 knee as high as you can and the other as low as you can, and switch.


Ex.3 Superset
  • 90/90 HIP ER stretch
  • 90/90 HIP IR stretch
  • 90/90 lift offs

Sets: 1


  • 90/90 HIP ER stretch: 1 min
  • 90/90 HIP IR stretch, 1 min
  • 90/90 lift offs: 10 each side

Notes: This is a superset, this means you are first going to perform all 3 exercises facing one way, before moving to the other side


Ex.4 Arm bar

Sets: 2

Reps: 16 (8 each side)

Notes: For this exercise start even bodyweight to get used to it, and once you get used to it, add a light weight.

  • Lay down
  • Leg is 90° at the hip and knee
  • Arm is straight up
  • Fully extend other leg and arm
  • From that position, roll over to the opposite side and bring that knee and shin to the floor, but you have to make sure that the hip comes with the shoulder. They rotate at the same time.
  • Also rotate with your hand. So, at the start your palm is facing forward, and when you turn that palm is facing in
  • Non-working leg should stay straight on the ground, otherwise we take all the benefits away from this drill. You need to feel that ground contact the entire time
  • That will get those internal rotation benefits
  • Key point, look at the weight you’re holding at all time


Ex.5 Superset

Sets: 3


  • GHD Hip flexion ISO: 30 sec each
  • Copenhagen plank ISO/dynamic, 20 reps each
  • Side plank ISO dynamic, 20 reps each

Notes: This is a superset, perform all 3 exercises back to back without rest. Once you finished the side plank ISO/dynamic, rest for 1-2 minutes, and repeat for 2 more sets.


Ex.6 Superset

Sets: 3


  • Half kneeling plate rotations: 16 (8 each side)
  • Half kneeling side bend: 12 (6 each side)

Notes: This is a superset, perfrom both exercises back to back without rest, once you finished the second exercise, rest for 1-2 minutes, and repeat for 2 more sets


Ex.7 Hanging w/breathing emphasis

Sets: 3

Reps: Max time hold

Notes : Go a little bit wider then shoulder width apart. Inhale through the nose, and full exhale through the mouth while hanging. The key during the entire set, is the full exhale

I will provide a second option, that is easier for beginners. This exercise isn’t ment to be hard, don’t be scared or ashamed to use this second option, until your grip gets better to perform the first variation

Option 2

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