Newsletter, Week 16: Unveiling the Truth about Hip Flexors: Beyond Stretching to Strengthening

Newsletter, Week 16: Unveiling the Truth about Hip Flexors: Beyond Stretching to Strengthening

We hope this newsletter finds you in good health and high spirits. In this edition, we shed light on a topic often overlooked in the realm of fitness and well-being, the misunderstood hip flexors.


Embracing Hip Flexors: Not the Enemy, but Allies

Hip flexors have long been portrayed as the culprits behind issues like low back pain and postural imbalances. The common approach is to stretch them, but few recognize the importance of strengthening these vital muscles. Contrary to popular belief, having 'short' muscles doesn't necessarily equate to strength. To achieve full contraction, muscles need relative lengthening—a fundamental concept in the length-tension relationship.

Research consistently emphasizes three key elements for overall well-being: improving range of motion, increasing movement, and building strength. Unfortunately, many neglect at least one-third of this equation for their hip flexors. Strengthening these muscles, taking them through a full range of motion, is crucial for a holistic approach to health.


Addressing Asymmetry: When One Side Takes the Lead

Have you ever felt tightness in your hip flexors more on one side than the other? It's a common occurrence, often pointing to underlying asymmetrical factors. The contraction of the psoas, a major hip flexor, not only pulls the pelvis forward and into external rotation but also turns the spine to the opposite side.

For instance, if the left psoas is tight, it turns the lumbar spine to the right, resulting in a forward-tilted pelvis, externally rotated hip, and a spine turned towards the opposite side. To counter this, we advocate for promoting:

  • Pulling the pelvis back on the tight side
  • Internal rotation of the hip
  • Turning the pelvis to the same side

The ideal muscle groups for achieving this balance are the inner hamstrings and adductors, which facilitate pulling the pelvis back and promoting more hip internal rotation.


Conclusion: Strengthen and Balance for a Healthier You

Understanding the intricate relationship with your hip flexors goes beyond mere stretching. Strengthening and balancing these muscles play a pivotal role in achieving overall well-being. Your body will undoubtedly thank you for embracing a holistic approach to hip flexor health.

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