Newsletter, Week 8: Back Pain: Is Your Training Approach Causing It?

Newsletter, Week 8: Back Pain: Is Your Training Approach Causing It?

Do you ever wonder why your back constantly aches? It could be linked to how you're training your trunk. Focusing solely on isometric exercises for your core might be the culprit. Many people fear not training their spine through its full range of motion, leading to back pain struggles. Discover a more effective way to address this issue in today's newsletter.


Dynamic Training for a Healthy Spine

Isometrically stabilizing your trunk under load, especially in the sagittal plane, can leave you feeling stiff and tight. Don't be afraid to diversify your routine by incorporating spine-flexing movements, active extension, loaded lateral flexion, and rotational exercises. These can help improve spine mobility and overall flexibility, relieving stiffness and discomfort.


Unlocking the Power of Ribcage Movement

Do you find yourself battling shoulder, lower back, or hip pain relentlessly? It might be time to consider ribcage movement as the solution. Immobility in the ribcage can lead to compensatory movements in your spine, causing problems like ruptured discs and muscle tightness. Think of your ribcage as the handlebars of a bike; where they go, the spine follows. Discover how enhancing rib mobility can positively impact your overall spine health.

For those dealing with shoulder pain, internal and external rotation are key. Achieving these motions requires proper ribcage mobility. By allowing your ribcage to move freely, you enhance shoulder joint rotation, optimizing the efficiency of rotator cuff muscles, tendons, deltoids, and more. Take a holistic approach to address shoulder discomfort by focusing on ribcage mobility.

When tackling shoulder, lower back, or hip pain, it's crucial to take a broader perspective. The ribcage plays a pivotal role in influencing the lumbar and thoracic spine. By prioritizing ribcage mobility, you set the stage for a healthier, pain-free body.


In Conclusion

Remember, a diverse training approach that includes dynamic movements, spine mobility, and ribcage freedom can be the key to a pain-free life. Don't let discomfort hold you back any longer. Unlock the potential for a healthier back and shoulders today.



Segmented sit ups


Half kneeling plate rotations

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