Newsletter, Week 9: Breathing

Newsletter, Week 9: Breathing

Unraveling the Secrets of Breath: Enhancing Performance and Health

Hello Breath Enthusiasts,

Welcome to our latest newsletter where we unravel the extraordinary science behind breathing and its profound impact on our bodies. Today, we're exploring the vital components of our breath and how they influence our overall health and athletic performance.


1. The Power of Carbon Dioxide

Let's start with a fundamental fact – breathing in oxygen and breathing out carbon dioxide. Contrary to common belief, carbon dioxide is not merely a waste gas. It is the key variable that facilitates the release of oxygen from red blood cells to our metabolizing body. The level of carbon dioxide in our blood determines how much oxygen we can utilize effectively. It plays a crucial role in offloading oxygen from the blood, dilating airways and blood vessels, and regulating blood pH.


2. Hemoglobin and Oxygen Release:

Hemoglobin, a protein in our blood, carries oxygen from our lungs to tissues and cells. Interestingly, hemoglobin releases oxygen in the presence of carbon dioxide. Over-breathing, or hypocapnia, washes away carbon dioxide, causing hemoglobin to hold onto oxygen, reducing oxygen release and delivery to tissues and organs.


3. The Marvel of Nitric Oxide:

Nitric oxide, a remarkable gas, impacts various bodily systems. It is released in the nasal airways during nasal breathing and plays a vital role in vasoregulation, immune defense, neurotransmission, and respiration. Athletes benefit significantly from nitric oxide as it dilates airways, ensuring efficient oxygen transfer during exercise. Holding your breath increases nitric oxide concentration, facilitating smooth nasal breathing and enhancing athletic performance.


4. The Splendid Spleen:

Our spleen acts as a blood bank, releasing additional red blood cells in response to increased oxygen demand. It contracts rapidly when oxygen levels reduce, enhancing breath-holding ability. This phenomenon demonstrates the spleen's role in regulating blood hematocrit and hemoglobin concentration, improving oxygen delivery to working muscles.


5. EPO (Erythropoietin) and Oxygen Delivery:

EPO, a hormone secreted by the kidneys, stimulates the maturation of red blood cells, increasing oxygen delivery to muscles. Breath hold exercises effectively stimulate EPO release, enriching the blood with oxygen. Concentrations of EPO can surge by up to 24% during breath hold exercises, optimizing oxygen-carrying capacity and enhancing sports performance.

Understanding these intricate processes empowers us to unlock the full potential of our breath, whether in sports or daily life. Stay tuned for more breath insights and techniques to elevate your well-being and performance.

Breath deeply, live fully!

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