Free workout, Week 1: Upper body strength

Free workout, Week 1: Upper body strength


Ex.1 Hanging w/breathing emphasis

Sets: 3

Reps: Max time hold

Notes: Go a little bit wider then shoulder width apart. Inhale through the nose, and full exhale through the mouth while hanging. The key during the entire set, is the full exhale

I will provide a second option, that is easier for beginners. This exercise isn’t ment to be hard, don’t be scared or ashamed to use this second option, until your grip gets better to perform the first variation

Option 2


Ex.2 Superset

Sets: 3 sets

Reps: 10 each side for all 3 exercises

Notes: Encourage ribcage and shoulders to move simultaneously during these exercises.



Ex.1 Superset

Sets: 3 warm up sets + 3 working sets

Reps: Warm up sets (bench press): 12,10,6

Working sets: Bench press w/ISO emphasis, 4 reps

Bench press w/drop & press method, 10 reps

Notes: Before starting this superset, you will warm up on the bench press. Just a regular bench press with no tempo to follow. Start easy, and add weight until you find a good weight to do your working sets with. You don’t need to do the bench press w/drop & press method during the warm up sets, this starts once your done with the warm up sets.

Once you start with the working sets, the bench press w/ISO emphasis, you will pause each time in the bottom position for 2-3 sec, and explode back up. The concentric portion (movement from bottom to top position) should be explosive. If not, you are using too much weight.

For the bench press w/drop & press method, this should be light, can start with a stick, or just the barbell with no weights. It’s all about speed here!


Ex.2 Superset

Sets: 3

Reps: Chest supported rows, 8 reps each

Drop & row method, 10 reps

Notes: For the ALT chest supported rows, encoure ribcage movement throughout the whole exercise

For the drop & row method, this should be light, Same thing here, it’s all about speed!


Ex.3 Superset

  • Lat raises
  • Rear delt raises

Sets: 3

Reps: Lat raises, 20

Rear delt raises, 20

Notes: 30 sec rest in between exercises. 45 sec-1 min rest In between sets. Don’t go too heavy, if you still want to be able to lift your arms the next day. Crazy pump on this one


Ex.4 Superset

Sets: 3

Reps: Tricep extensions, 12-15 reps

Hammer curls, 20 reps

Push up ISO, until failure, the goal on long term here is 120-180 sec (yes, this is not a joke)

Notes: Only 30 sec rest in between exercises/sets. We are going for a crazy pump here.

The push up ISO, is an exercise, you ony have to do once, once you’re done doing the 3 sets of tricep extensions and hammer curls.


Ex.5 Zercher ISO hold

Sets: 3

Reps: 30 sec

Notes: You must tense your abs super hard. Imagine you're about to get punched in the stomach. Squeeze your glutes as hard as humanly possible. If you don't, your lower back will take too much of the load. Don't lean back even one bit. Doing so not only makes the exercise worthless, it also makes it dangerous.

Don’t be scared to load this heavy, start with 20kg each side. And try to increase to 30kg each side for this session. (know your limits and stay safe)

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